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Celebration Time

Crusta Anniversaire


/ 45ml/ 1.9oz Renais

/ 20ml/ 0.7oz Lemon

/ 20ml/ 0.7oz Orange Curacao

/ 10ml/ 0.35oz Sugar Syrup

/ 50ml/ 1.8oz Champagne

/ 1 Dash Lemon Bitters

/ Golden Caster Sugar & Edible Glitter for the Sugar Rim

Tasting Notes

Decadent and dry, with crisp green apple notes of champagne and layers of minerality, citrus and spice.

Crusta Anniversaire

Step 1


Garnish the glass with a gold encrusted sugar rim.


Step 2


Shake all ingredients apart from the champagne with ice, strain into a coupette and top with champagne.


Alex and Emma Watson with a motorcycle and a bottle of Renais