Original twists on classic gin cocktails, created to showcase Renais’ unique flavour profile in vibrant, contemporary serves
Summer Cocktails
Mandarin Fizz
Simplicity at its best. Freshly juiced mandarins coming out light and fluffy complimenting the citrus qualities of Renais and balanced with a touch of Campari. A very grown up Harvey Wallbanger.
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Summer Cocktails
Côte du Sud Fizz
This one is for the mojito drinkers. Sharp, bracing, fresh and icy cold. The crushed ice lengths Renais into a tall glass of happiness brimming with citrus and minerality.
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Summer Cocktails
Agitations Tropicales
A grown up interpretation of the Pornstar martini, served long and elegant layering the characteristic flavours of citrus, and floral notes with passionfruit and vanilla.
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